=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Cryout Creations Donate link: https://www.cryoutcreations.eu/donate/ Tags: theme, admin Requires at least: 4.2 Tested up to: 5.5 Stable tag: 0.5.11 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html This plugin is designed to inter-operate with our Mantra, Parabola, Tempera, Nirvana themes to enable their settings pages. == Description == This plugin is designed to inter-operate with our [Nirvana](https://wordpress.org/themes/nirvana/), [Tempera](https://wordpress.org/themes/tempera/), [Parabola](https://wordpress.org/themes/parabola/) and [Mantra](https://wordpress.org/themes/mantra/) themes and enable their advanced settings pages which we had to remove due to the Customize-based settings transition. = Compatibility = The plugin is intended to be used with the following theme releases regardless of WordPress version: * Nirvana version 1.2 and newer * Tempera version 1.4 and newer * Parabola version 1.6 and newer * Mantra version 2.5 and newer Additionally, it is needed to correct an incompatibility between WordPress 4.4 and newer and the following theme versions: * Tempera versions 0.9 - 1.3.3 * Parabola versions 0.9 - 1.5.1 * Mantra versions 2.0 - This plugin will do nothing if you do not use any of the listed themes. == Installation == = Automatic installation = 0. Have one of our supported themes activated with a non-working or disabled settings page. 1. Navigate to Plugins in your dashboard and click the Add New button. 2. Type in "Cryout Theme Settings" in the search box on the right and press Enter, then click the Install button next to the plugin title. 3. After installation Activate the plugin, then navigate to Appearance > [Theme] Settings to access the restored theme settings page. = Manual installation = 0. Have one of our supported themes activated with a non-working or disabled settings page. 1. Upload `cryout-theme-settings` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Navigate to Appearance > [Theme] Settings to access the restored theme settings page. == Changelog == = 0.5.11 = * Updated for compatibility with the changes in Mantra 3.3.0 * Some code cleanup and optimization * Bumped supported WordPress version to 5.5 = 0.5.10 = * Updated themes information * Bumped supported WordPress version to 5.2 = 0.5.9 = * Extended support for Mantra 3.0 * Fixed missing "need help" image on some browsers due to typo * Added direct access check to all php files * Updated themes information * Bumped supported WordPress version to 4.9.1 = = * Fixed compatibility mode malfunctioning * Fixed missing theme images in compatibility mode info = 0.5.8 = * Added meta links * Updated plugin's about page * Added 'featured themes' and 'priority support' panels = 0.5.7 = * Fixed incorrect status for Nirvana versions before 1.2 = 0.5.6 = * Added support for Mantra 2.5 = 0.5.5 = * Added support for Parabola 1.6 * Added detection of supported themes when the theme folder is renamed = 0.5.4 = * Fixed compatibility support for Mantra = 0.5.3 = * Added support for Tempera 1.4 * Fixed typo causing error in compatibility code = 0.5.2 = * Added themes compatibility fix for WordPress 4.4-RC1 and newer = 0.5.1 = * Fixed detection of parent theme name and version when using a child theme * Clarified plugin information = 0.5 = * Initial release. Currently Nirvana 1.2 implements support for this plugin.